Elevate your product photography

Why do we glance past images and others draw our attention in? How do stylists create texture and movement within a still image?

It’s all within the details. (Great Brick… what details?)

- Give the illusion of movement by snapping a product in motion.
- Tell a visual story of the product by adding ‘before + after’ props. For example, bathroom products may be styled with water, bubbles and towels.
- Food styling works better in smaller serves. Show a slice of cake decorated by garnishes rather than a whole plate.
- Create texture by adding similar shaped flowers, foliages and natural materials around products
- Add life to images by lighting candles or adding water droplets to fresh food items
- Spill excess garnishes, flavours and food decorations around products
- Communicate scent or temperature by introducing steam, smoke or atmosphere elements.
- Keep the colour palette to a minimum, selecting analogous (side by side) colours from the colour wheel

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