What I learnt at UNI vs What I learnt on SET 🎥

A perspective from our recent work experience student!
Here’s what @briannavoulgaris an emerging documentary filmmaker had to say after completing her Bachelor of Communication and Media and currently studying a Master of Media Practice and Industry 👇
1️⃣ It wasn’t until I began my Undergraduate studies that I began to appreciate all the
departments in a films credits. I quickly recognised the tireless hours spent by the grip
and electric, the camera, the audio, and the wardrobe departments to help the script
come to life
2️⃣ Data wrangling is one of the most important parts of production. It involves taking all the raw footage and storing them on multiple Hard drives. The last thing anyone wants is missing footage after hours of hard work!
3️⃣ It’s everyone’s job to oversee that a shoot is running smoothly. The
success of a shoot relies on team work, or someone noticing a misplaced prop or if
they are running over time.

1️⃣ A script can change at any moment! You need a strong team that can work together under pressure to adapt to script changes.
2️⃣ Blocking is an important protocol for working out the details of each scene. Even with a shot list, scenes may change to ensure the camera works with the
movements of the actors on screen.
3️⃣ Freelancing is not easy. I recognised I don't always need to settle for unpaid internships, and that I should always have a contract before I start working.

Keep an eye on her amazing work via @briannavoulgaris


Planning a cinemagraph shoot?


How do film sets stay organised and run efficiently?